Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The first post and hopefully not the last

Well this is the first post obviously. It took me almost an hour to think of a name, and then making sure said name hasn't already been used as one of the millions of blogs in the world. I'm feeling like I need to tell you what this blog is about and why I created it. Umm not really sure if I can tell you what it's about because I don't know what my stories will make this about. If that makes sense? I can however tell you I will be writing the questions I have about life as a new Adult. And the stories of my adventures I come to see! Which can be anywhere from running into a door, finding a new love of something, or the stories I remember or want to share with you. And maybe random pictures of well anything. More likely than not a cat. And I'll eventually get to the story about why cats are in the blog/life of this American. And another thing. The title? Well every country has different ways of living and I don't mean quality but the cultural differences that are here in America than lets say Germany! So the blog of an American living in today is just that. An American living in today. So I guess I just answered that question of what the blogs about. Huh! Well I think I'll leave this post off here. 

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